Today we’d like to introduce you to Heather Basagoitia.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Heather. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
I have been a part of the medical field for 16 years. I am a California girl that planted roots in South Florida in 2003. I received certification in Medical Assisting and Phlebotomy in 2001.
Anyone that knows me well knows what an accomplishment that was for me due to the fact that I have a needle phobia. I spent the next 11 years gaining any experience possible. I worked for many different types of doctors, Holy Cross Hospital, Tri-Counties Blood Bank and small local labs. During those years I slowly realized that I wanted to be my own boss and bring something new into the medical field. The last lab I worked for would receive multiple phone calls regarding home blood draws. After much research I found that Mobile Phlebotomy was far and few in the state of Florida. After a little more research and a reading of the book titled “I Moved Your Cheese” by Deepak Malhotra. Mobile Phlebotomy Services of Florida was born in October of 2012. I jumped in with both feet and never looked back. I had no idea what direction the business was going to take me, but I was confident with the talent I was given. My first success was landing a contract with The Center for Forensic Science Research and Education. I was contracted to draw blood on volunteers headed in to the popular Ultra concert that happens annually. My second success was when I was contacted by a well-known doctor that specializes in Autism, Dr. Brian Udell, asking if I could provide my services to his pediatric patients. Word travels very fast in the autism community. I currently service about 500 clients on my own with 80% of my patients being Autistic. I have found what I absolutely love to do. It is my calling and it is extremely rewarding in many aspects of my life.
Has it been a smooth road?
The fact that I have never taken a business class in my life, was a huge struggle in the beginning. Many long days and nights studying and reading.
I have learned that what brings me the most success is when I step out of my comfort zone. It is not always easy but is necessary to continue to grow and learn.
Drawing pediatrics was definitely a struggle in the beginning as I had avoided drawing children since the day I became certified. Don’t get me wrong, I love children. I just do not like the idea of being the one to make them cry. Also, let’s face it, kids are hard to draw! Today, I joke of the sleepless nights I had, prior to scheduled appointments for babies. After a few pediatric draws I realized I had a niche for it and carried on with less sleepless nights.
Being your own boss is probably the biggest struggle. I have literally put blood, sweat and tears into the business. I feel that some might think that being your own boss means sitting at the beach with a lap top in your lap. For me it means long 12-hour days and a view of the beach driving to my patient’s house if I am lucky. Determination and organization is key. However, having the amazing patients that I do, it makes me feel like I am just catching up with old friends on a daily basis.
To read Heather’s full interview with VoyageMIA, click here.